Honolulu Christian Church - Spiritual Gifts Survey


Click one button for each row/statement. If you strongly agree with the statement, click the 5th button. If you strongly disagree, click the 1st button. When finished, click the "Calculate" button near the bottom.

1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

1. I am able to organize ideas, tasks, people, and time, for helping others and serving Christ.
2. I have used a particular creative ability (writing, painting, drama, etc.) to benefit others.
3. I am able to distinguish between spiritual truth and error.
4. I have been used to encourage people to live godly lives with what I say.
5. I like to talk about Jesus to those who don't know him.
6. There was a certain instance in the past when I knew without a doubt what God was going to do even when concrete evidence was missing.
7. I am eager to meet financial needs in church and community.
8. I enjoy providing a haven for guests and do not feel intruded upon by unexpected visitors.
9. I take the prayer requests of others seriously and I really pray for them continally.
10. I have rallied groups of people to become enthusiastic about accomplishing a task from
11. When I have compassion for people, I am automatically moved to do cheerful deeds of
12. I urge people to believe in the truth as found in the Bible.
13. I enjoy helping others in practical ways.
14. I have cared for the spiritual lives of certain Christians so that their faith, lifestyle,
and love for the Lord is stronger.
15. When I teach, students have told me that the content comes alive for them (children or
16. People have told me how my prayers have resulted in visible miracles.
17. In the name of the Lord, I have been used in curing diseases instantaneously.
1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

18. I have spoken in tongues.
19. Sometimes when a person speaks in tongues, I get an idea about what God is saying.
20. I like to plan things in which people are involved.
21. I would enjoy expressing myself creatively for God through artistic expression (music,
drama, poetry, etc.).
22. I see a serious danger when false teachings and false practices creep into the church.
23. When people are suffering, troubled, or discouraged, I want to help them mainly by
telling them God's answers to their problem.
24. I have a strong desire to be able to better share the gospel with unbelievers.
25. When God makes a promise in the Bible, I am so certain it will be fulfilled, that I rarely worry, doubt, or become anxious.
26. I automatically feel moved to give when confronted with the financial needs of people and
Christian organizations.
27. I am so sensitive to the needs of guests and visitors that I like doing acts of kindness
for them.
28. When someone has a need, I usually respond by praying for him/her.
29. I have a desire to help, lead, guide, and direct people in an important church activity.
30. I would like to help to those who have physical or mental problems.
31. I have spiritual insights from the Scriptures relating to people and issues which make me want to speak out.
1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

32. I sense when others need a helping hand and am ready to work hard to help them.
33. I am willing to personally meet with and nurture some believers on a long-term basis because I'm concerned about their faith.
34. I like to help people understand things.
35. God has used me personally to perform supernatural signs and wonders.
36. I enjoy praying for sick people because I know that many of them will be healed as a result.
37. I have spoken in a language I have never learned.
38. I have interpreted someone speaking in tongues with the result that others in the church were helped or comforted.
39. I make good and effective plans.
40. People have said that they've been spiritually blessed by my artistic ability (music, drama, writing, painting, sculpting, etc.).
41. I have recognized phony or manipulative persons when others have not.
42. When I give words of encouragement and counsel, people have been sparked towards greater love, hope, and faith in their lives.
43. I have been instrumental in leading others to believe in Christ as their Savior.
44. I can cite actual times when I was certain that God would do what seemed unlikely.
45. I give cheerfully and liberally in support of the Lord's work.
46. I have a knack for making strangers feel welcome and at ease in my home and at church.
47. I pray for others, recognizing that their effectiveness and strength depends upon it.
48. I enjoy leading and directing others while also caring for them in order to accomplish goals that promote God's work.
49. I enjoy working with people who suffer physical, mental or emotional problems.
50. I have proclaimed timely and urgent messages from God's Word.
51. I like to work at little things that help build up the church.
52. When I see a Christian being led astray, I assume responsibility for bringing him/her back.
1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

53. I am able to clarify things for learners (children or adults).
54. God regularly seems to do impossible things through my life.
55. Others have told me that God healed them of an emotional problem when I tried to help them.
56. I can speak to God in a language I have never learned.
57. I have prayed that God give me the ability to interpret someone else speaking in tongues.
58. I would enjoy organizing an important church activity that helps others.
59. I have the potential to be very creative in an area that could be used in building up the church.
60. I tend to look beneath the surface and see people's motives.
61. I believe that people are best healed, comforted, and nurtured, when they are personally counseled from God's Word.
62. I have a burden to reach out to friends and acquaintances who do not believe in Christ.
63. I have a sense for moments when the "prayer of faith" is needed.
64. I am willing to maintain a lower standard of living in order to benefit God's work with my financial support.
65. I tend to be more aware of the needs of guests than of my own.
66. I have an inner conviction that God works in response to prayer, and I want to be used to help others through prayer.
67. If I had the opportunity, I would enjoy leading and motivating others in some aspect of the Lord's work.
68. The sight of misery makes me want to find a way to express God's love to hurting persons.
69. Given the opportunity, I would like to be a preacher of the Bible.
70. It is my nature to like to do work that helps others do theirs.
71. I sense in myself a shepherd's instinct when I know of Christians who need spiritual coaching.
72. I quickly sense when people (children or adults) are unclear in their thinking.
73. People have told me that I was God's instrument which brought supernatural change in lives or circumstances.
74. I have prayed for others and physical healing has actually occurred.
75. I have spoken in tongues. When I do it, I expect it to be interpreted.
1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

76. I have interpreted someone else speaking in tongues in a way that seemed to bless others.
77. I have a sense for delegating important tasks to the right people at the right time.
78. I am aware that people have been blessed through my creative or artistic ability.
79. I have developed an ability to discriminate between good and evil in today's world.
80. I am glad when people seek my help when they need comfort, encouragement, and counsel.
81. I am able to share the gospel in a way that makes it clear and meaningful to non-believers.
82. I am able to go on believing that God will act in a situation in spite of evidence to the contrary.
83. I help people and the Lord's work through generous and timely contributions.
84. My home is available to those in need of hospitality.
85. I know I'm helping others when I pray for them.
86. I have accepted leadership responsibilities and have succeeded in helping a group work toward a goal.
87. Sick, helpless, and shut-in persons feel helped when I serve them.
88. People have said they were built up, encouraged, and comforted when I spoke to them of spiritual things.
89. I find practical ways of helping others and gain satisfaction from doing this.
90. The Lord has used me to watch over, guide, and nurture other believers toward spiritual maturity.
91. I hold the interest of those I teach.
92. In the name of the Lord, I have been able to recover sight to the blind.
93. When I pray for the sick, either I or they feel sensations of tingling or warmth.
94. I have spoken in tongues, and I believe it is edifying to others in the church.
95. I have interpreted someone else's speaking in tongues in such a way that the message appeared to be directly from God.
96. I have a sense for how and when projects or ministries need to be better organized
97. I sense a latent creative ability (in drawing, writing, music, etc.) which I would like to use for serving God.
1 2 3 4 5

1=very little, 2=little, 3=some, 4=much, 5=very much

98. I am usually aware of people who pretend to be what they are not.
99. I would be willing to spend some time helping the discouraged each week in a counseling ministry.
100. I am able to sense when a person doesn't know Jesus Christ, and I hurt for him or her.
101. I inwardly sense what Jesus meant when he said mountains could be moved by faith.
102. I have a conviction that all I have belongs to God, and I want to be a good steward.
103. I have a genuine appreciation for each guest to whom I serve.
104. I would be pleased if asked to be a prayer partner to someone involved in a ministry.
105. I am usually quick to sense when a group I am a part of is "spinning its wheels," and I want to do something about it.
106. I sense when people are hurting in some way.
107. I think more Christians should speak out on the moral issues of the day, such as abortion, easy sex, racism, and so on.
108. I wish I had more opportunity to practically help others do God's work.
109. I would love to be in a position to build up other Christians to become better servants for God.
110. I get excited about sharing new ideas that I have others.
111. I have prayed with the result that God worked a miracle that clearly violated natural laws.
112. Those who are sick have come to me for prayer, hoping for healing.
113. I have prayed in a strange language with an interpreter in such a way that other people in the room told me that they were blessed.
114. I have been able to understand someone who spoke in a language I have never learned.



The five highest scored gifts are probably your spiritual gifts. You may have two or three gifts that have the same score, in which case you may need to consider the six or seven highest scored gifts. Keep in mind that the results of this inventory are not the final determination of your gifts. It's only the beginning. You must try serving the Lord using what you think are your gifts. Sometimes you will fail, sometimes you will succeed. Sometimes you will bless people through your service, and sometimes not. You can be sure of your spiritual gifts only by trying them out.